Ibadah Gabungan
Sesi 1
Coach : Susan WL : Fenny & Junita
Ice Breaker & Games : Kasey, Junita, Tasya
Sesi 2
Coach : Andy T
WL : Yosi
Ice Breaker & Games : Adeline, Dedy, Agus
God was with Joshua (Part 2)
1. Lesson (based on Joshua 1)
- Hook:
- Have your parents or teachers ever asked you to do a big and important job? Perhaps it was to perform on stage or give a speech in front of many people. Or to organize an event. Or to lead a group to do something big. Maybe it feels too difficult for you. Maybe you were afraid. What would you do?
- What if someone big came to help you? Say an experienced senior, your parents or your teacher? This person not only helps you but even prepares everything you need to do the big job. All you had to do was just to follow the person and trust that they will take care of everything. Suddenly the BIG job seems smaller and easier. Wouldn’t that be great?
- Story:
- Let me tell you about someone who had to take over a BIG job.
- Moses had taken the Israelites out of Egypt. They were headed to the Promised Land — what God had promised to them many, many hundred years ago. Moses sent 12 spies to check out the Land, and they brought back many good reports of the Land.
- However, 10 of the spies also were afraid of the big, tall men they saw in the Promised Land — they were big as giants! So they told Moses that they should not enter.
- Because the people did not believe God’s promises were true, God said they could not go straight into the Promised Land. They had to wander in the desert — go round and round in circles — for 40 years!
- After that time, Moses passed away. So God called Joshua to take over.
- Who knows who Joshua was? Joshua was one of the 12 spies that Moses sent to the Promised Land. He and Caleb were the only ones who believed that God will bring them there safely.
- Can you imagine what Joshua may have felt like? The Israelites were many, many, many, many people. If you include the women and children, there would have been about 2 million people! That’s a VERY BIG JOB!
- But God didn’t leave Joshua to do the BIG JOB himself. He told Joshua 3 important things:
- “Get ready to lead the people into the land I AM GIVING THEM. Be determined and confident, for you will be the leader of these people.”
- God had already provided all that was needed for this BIG job. Joshua just had to go and get it.
- Imagine your dad telling you, “I bought you your favourite ice cream. It’s in the freezer. Go and get it!” Would you say, “No, it’s too difficult. I don’t have the money. I can’t get the ice cream”? Of course not. Because it’s already been provided for you!
- God was with Joshua. God is with me!
- “I will be with you just as I was with Moses. No one will be able to defeat you as long as you live. Do not be afraid or discouraged for I am with you wherever you go”
- God promised Joshua that He will be with him and give him success always.
- God promises you and me that He will be with you always and wherever you go, you will find favour!
- God was with Joshua. God is with me!
- “Remember my word and you will be prosperous and successful.”
- God’s promises and word has power. And as we learn them and remember them and practice them, we will have God’s success on our lives always!
- So every week, we learn and remember one of God’s promises. We can go home and say it every day before we sleep and when we wake up. We can tell our parents. We can tell our teachers. When we face any problem, big or small, we can remind ourselves about what God said in His word.
- Today we will learn: Joshua 1:9: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you, wherever you go.”
- God was with Joshua. God is with me!
2. Activity suggestions:
- Memory Verse: activity/game for them to remember Joshua 1:9
- Reinforcement: God was with Joshua. God is with me!