Sunday, April 29, 2018

29 April 2018

Toddler Class
Coach Ochie
Asst. 1 : Tesa
Asst. 2 : Ruth

Primary Class 1-3

Coach Iwan
(Asst. Shevica)

Primary Class 4-6
Coach Shawn
(Asst. Nicho & Tirza)

A 4-Week Series On Bringing Jesus Beyond The Walls Of The Church


LESSON (LUKE 10:25-37)


Lego Parable

A Jewish man was walking down a road. He was robbed, beaten up and left for dead.

Three men walked down the same road. All three saw the man lying there.

Two of them — the priest and the Levite — crossed to the other side and walked on.

The third man — a Samaritan — stopped to help. The Samaritan (someone who was hated by the Jews) could have walked on, and nobody would fault him for that. But he had compassion for th e man. He cleaned and bandaged his wounds. Put him on his donkey and paid for his care at the inn.


More than pity or sympathy. Compassion is understanding how the other person feels and doing something about it. It sometimes requires going out of our comfort zone — sacrifices, inconveniences, time, money.

[Share one time when you or someone else did something compassionate. Get 1-2 kids to share if they have done something compassionate.]


Doing good and kind things is right and good. But if we do it by ourselves, by our own strength and wisdom, we can end up burnt out or disillusioned.

Illustration: Cup of water - If we just give whatever we have, we end up empty and dry. But if we are connected to an eternal source of water (waterfall, hose attached to tap), we will never run dry.

God is a compassionate God — it’s His own nature. “The LORD is gracious and full of compassion, Slow to anger and great in mercy.” Psalm 145:8

And God showed us compassion when He sent us Jesus.


When Jesus was on earth, He taught and fed and healed many. It was
long and tiring work, but He did because He was moved with compassion for them. (Matthew 9:35-37; Matthew 14:14)

Jesus saw the people as lost and helpless — like sheep without a shepherd. We have learnt about sheep many times they are defenseless and sometimes dumb, vulnerable to attacks, and get lost easily. That’s why they need a shepherd to guide and protect them.

When we see people the way Jesus sees them — that annoying friend, or that rude stranger, or the person you can’t stand — we will be filled with Jesus’ compassion for them.


Do you know: we were like this man — attacked by robbers (the devil is the thief); stripped, beaten, left half dead in our sin, helpless and hopeless.

But even though we were God’s enemy, Jesus still came to die for us. “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8

He had compassion for us. He cleaned us with His blood. He bandaged us up. He lifted us and took care of us. He paid the price of our sins for us.

And because of that, we have Jesus living in us, and His love and compassion can overflow from us to those around us. “We love because he first loved us.” 1 John 4:19



1 John 4:19 “We love because he first loved us.” (younger kids)

Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (older kids)

Do a game/activity to help kids memorize the verse.


In smaller groups, get the kids to share who they find it hard to show compassion to and ask Jesus to help them to see them the way He sees them, and show them His love.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

22 April 2018

Toddler Class
Coach Susan
Asst. 1 : Tasya
Asst. 2 : Felianti

Primary Class 1-3

Coach Theresia
(Asst. Angelina)

Primary Class 4-6
Coach Savitri


“ Dengan demikian kita telah dikuburkan bersama-sama dengan Dia oleh baptisan dalam kematian, supaya, sama seperti Kristus telah dibangkitkan dari antara orang mati oleh kemuliaan Bapa, demikian juga kita akan hidup dalam hidup yang baru.   Sebab jika kita telah menjadi satu dengan apa yang sama dengan kematian-Nya, kita juga akan menjadi satu dengan apa yang sama dengan kebangkitan-Nya.” Roma  6:4,5

“Sebab siapa yang telah mati, ia telah bebas dari dosa.   Jadi jika kita telah mati dengan Kristus, kita percaya, bahwa kita akan hidup juga dengan Dia. Karena kita tahu, bahwa Kristus, sesudah Ia bangkit dari antara orang mati, tidak mati lagi: maut tidak berkuasa lagi atas Dia. Sebab kematian-Nya adalah kematian terhadap dosa, satu kali dan untuk selama lamanya, dan kehidupan-Nya adalah kehidupan bagi Allah.  Demikianlah hendaknya kamu memandangnya: bahwa kamu telah mati bagi dosa, tetapi kamu hidup bagi Allah dalam Kristus Yesus. “ Roma  6:7-11

“ Dalam DIA kamu telah disunat, bukan dengan sunat yang dilakukan oleh manusia, tetapi dengan sunat KRISTUS,  yang terdiri dari penanggalan akan tubuh yang berdosa, karena dengan DIA kamu dikuburkan dalam baptisan, dan di dalam DIA kamu turut dibangkitkan juga oleh kepercayaanmu kepada kerja kuasa Allah, yang telah membangkitkan DIA dari orang mati.” Kolose 2:11,12

Ayat-ayat penerangan lainnya  :
- Galatia 3:27
- Roma 6:3,4
- Markus 16:16
- 1 Petrus 3:21
- 1 Korintus 12:13

I.              ARTI KATA BAPTISAN

Dalam bahasa Inggris : baptisan (to submerge, to overwhelm) berarti menenggelamkan, memenuhi secara keseluruhan.


         1.       Tuhan Yesus dibaptis dalam air (Matius 3:13)
         2.      Tuhan Yesus memerintahkan orang-orang percaya untuk dibaptis 
                (Matius 28:19 )
         3.      Baptisan air untuk menggenapkan seluruh kehendak Allah 
                (Matius 3:15)


         1.      Menjadi sama dengan kematian dan kebangkitan Tuhan Yesus 
                (Roma 6:3,5)
         2.      Kemenangan terhadap kuasa dosa (Roma 6:11-18)
         3.      Pembersihan dan pembaharuan kerohanian kita (Kolose 3:10)
         4.      Menjadi satu di dalam nama Tuhan Yesus (Kisah 2:38;8:12)
         5.      Penanggalan akan tubuh yang berdosa 
                (Kolose  2:11,12; Roma 6:3; I Petrus 3:20,21)


       1.       Mendapat pengajaran akan baptisan air (Matius 28:19-20)
        2.     Mengalami pertobatan lebih dahulu (Kisah 2:37-38)
       3.       Percaya kepada Tuhan Yesus (Matius 16:15-16; Kisah 8:36-38)
       4.       Kerelaan meninggalkan kehidupan didalam dosa.
       5.      Ketetapan untuk hidup didalam prinsip-prinsip Kerajaan Allah.


Setiap orang yang percaya memberi diri dibaptis dalam namanya (Kisah 16:32-34)

Sunday, April 15, 2018

15 April 2018

Toddler Class
Coach Carrie
Asst. 1 : Laila
Asst. 2 : Samantha

Primary Class 1-3

Coach Iwan
(Asst. Shevica)

Primary Class 4-6
Coach Tirza
(Asst. Nicho & Shawn)

A 4-Week Series On Bringing Jesus Beyond The Walls Of The Church




Show various logos or taglines of famous companies and get the kids to guess.


Just Do It

Think Different

Finger Licking Good

Melts in your mouth, not in your hands =
I’m Lovin’ It


What’s in a name? Successful companies are very proud of their names. Their names/brands are easily recognisable. They speak of quality, of trustworthiness, of value. When someone has a bag or shoes of a certain brand, we think, “Ooo … that must be good!”

A  name has a reputation. When you tell someone, “I am so-and-so’s kid”, people recognise who you are by who your family is. So it’s important not to behave badly or do something that would bring down your parents’ name.

A name has power too. Especially if it’s a famous name. Or the name of someone in authority, e.g. a big tycoon, or a boss, or a leader. When the police try to enter the premises of a suspect, they will stand at the door and shout, “This is the police. Open up!” The name “police” carries authority that opens doors.

Today, we will look at the name that is above every name — the name of Jesus.

LESSON (ACT 3:1-10)

SONG: Peter and John went to pray

Get kids to sing along with simple actions, e.g. pray, open palms, leaping, jumping etc.
Two weeks ago, we learnt about Philip, a young man who went and did what God asked him to do — walk, open and stretch — and share Jesus to an Ethiopian official.

Today, we learn about two of Jesus’ closest disciples who brought Jesus’ name out into the streets.

Peter and John were going to the temple to pray, when they met a lame man, lying next to the Beautiful Gate. He could not walk since birth. Every day, his friends brought him to the temple to beg.

When the man saw Peter and John, he stretched out his hand. "Please, do you have some money you could give me? I really, really need money."

Well, our friends, Peter and John, looked at the man and told him, "Look at us!"

The man looked up eagerly, expecting to be given money.

But then Peter said, “Silver or gold I have none” — which basically means, “I do not have money.”

What a let-down!

Peter didn’t stop there, though. He continued saying, “But what I do have, I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.”

And the man didn’t just walk. He jumped and leapt — for the very first time in his life — and praised God for the amazing thing that had just happened to him!

As Peter told the people around him, “It is Jesus’ name and the faith that comes through him that has completely healed him.” (Acts 3:16)

Isn’t Jesus great? Isn’t the name of Jesus powerful?


Like Peter and John, most of us have no money — after all, we are still young kids. We do not go out to work and earn money like our daddies or mummies. So how do we bless others in need?

The good news is we have Jesus in us. And we have the power of His name. With the power of Jesus’ name, we can bring Jesus’ light wherever we go, to everyone we meet.

We can speak the name of Jesus over: [Do share personal testimonies/stories for either of these.]

·       Fear:

Whatever our fear is — the dark, spiders, ghosts, exams, bullies — Jesus is bigger and more powerful than them. Do you know that even the demons are afraid of the name of Jesus? So if Jesus is with you, you have nothing to fear.

If we are afraid, or our friends are afraid, we can remind ourselves that Jesus is always with us, and His courage is with us. We can declare boldly, “In Jesus’ name, fear go away.”

·       Circumstances (e.g. Weather):

There are many things we may not be able to handle, but we can commit to Jesus. After all, He is the one who calms the winds and the waves. If things are getting out of control, or if the rain is coming down on your party, just speak to it in Jesus’ name and believe that He will bring it under control.

·       Health:

If any of your friends or teacher or neighbour is unwell, don’t be afraid to go up to them and say, “Can I pray for you? Thank you Jesus for taking all the sickness on the cross. Thank you that you love ________ and will take away the pain/sickness/fever, in Jesus’ name.”

·       Problems:

If you see your mummy or daddy upset or stressed, ask them, “Can I pray for you in Jesus’ name?”


At the name of Jesus, every knee will bow — our problems and challenges, fears and sicknesses.

When we go out in Jesus’ name, God uses us and whatever little we have — our time, our smile, our gifts and talents — to be a blessing and encouragement to others.

Let’s arise and shine, and bring Jesus’ name to our friends and family!



Acts 3:16 “It is Jesus’ name and the faith that comes through him that has completely healed him.”


In smaller groups, get the kids to share about any situation (fears, circumstances, health, problems) that they want to declare Jesus’ name to. Ask them to also give one name of someone that they can share Jesus to. You may want to get them to write them on a big piece of paper or smaller cards and place them in the centre. Different ones can take one of these points to pray over. Get them to practice stretching their hands out to declare Jesus’ name and power into these situations.


Related craft with the memory verse or words: “Jesus’ Name is Powerful”


There is Power in the name of Jesus

No other name but the name of Jesus