Kelas Balita
Coach Junita
Asst 1 : Laila
Asst 2 : Felianti
Kelas 1 - 3
Coaches : Lily Bun (Asst. Santi)
Kelas 4 - 6
Coaches : Lusiana (Asst. Theresia)
Covenant Meal
source by : TNCC, Malaysia
1. LESSON: Covenant Meal
A. Review on Cross Exchange (quick review)
- Jesus was PUNISHED so that we might be FORGIVEN (Isa 53:6)
- Jesus was WOUNDED so that we might be HEALED (Isa 53:5b)
- Jesus was made SIN that we might be RIGHTEOUS (2 Cor 4:21)
- Jesus DIED that we might be ALIVE (Isa 53:12b)
- Jesus was CURSED that we might be BLESSED (Gal 3:13-14)
- Jesus became POOR so that we might be RICH (2 Cor 8:9)
- Jesus was SHAMED that we might be GLORIFIED (Isa 53:3)
- Jesus was FORSAKEN that we might be ACCEPTED (Matt 27:46; Eph 1:5-6)
B. Jesus introduces the New Covenant Meal
- Every Sunday, we celebrate the Holy Communion. The Holy Communion is also known as the New Covenant Meal. Jesus tells us to do this as often as we can, in remembrance of Him.
- What is the significance of the New Covenant meal?
- <discuss> Not a snack. Not a ritual. Not a magic formula. To remember what Jesus has done on the Cross — the Cross Exchange.
- The night Jesus was betrayed, He sat down for supper with his disciples to celebrate the Passover.
- Jesus knew He was going to die on the cross, and on that cross, He will be cutting the New Covenant with God.
- As they were eating at the table, Jesus did 2 things:
- Took the BREAD and broke it, giving it to His disciples
- He said: “This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.”
- Took the CUP, gave to His disciples
- Saying: “In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you. Do this in remembrance of me.”
C. What the bread and cup symbolises
BREAD: Jesus’ Body was broken so mine can be healed and whole- The unleavened bread had no yeast, was baked, pierced and striped; Jesus broke it before giving it to the disciples
- On the cross: Jesus’ body would be torn apart for us (broken). It would be whipped (striped) and pierced (by the soldier’s spear).
All the bad things/punishments we deserved fell on Jesus, so that we can have all the blessings of the Cross Exchange.- Isaiah 53:5 But He was wounded for our transgressions (wrong doings), He was bruised for our iniquities (sins); the chastisement (punishments) for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed.
- When we eat the bread, we remember what Jesus has done on the cross for us.
- If we are sick, we remember that we have Jesus’ healing.
- If we are poor, we remember that we have Jesus’ riches.
- If we are feeling forsaken, we remember that we are accepted in Jesus.
CUP: Jesus’ Blood was shed for my complete forgiveness and righteousness
Just like the Passover Lamb’s blood was spread over the Israelites’ door posts, keeping them safe from the angel of death, Jesus’ shed blood caused God’s punishment and judgment for our sins topass over us. (Exodus 12:13)- Jesus paid our punishment with His blood.
- Matthew 26:28 This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.
- When we drink the cup, we remember that what Jesus has done on the cross for us.
- He took our punishment, so that we are forgiven
- He was made sin that we are righteous
- He was shamed that we are glorified
- Under this New Covenant, it’s no longer about what we do or don’t do, but everything about what Jesus has done on the cross for us!
- Every time we eat of the bread and drink of the cup, we proclaim the death of Christ! We remember the exchange on the Cross!
- We also proclaim that we are part of God’s covenant people.
- Have the kids sit down quietly. Pass out the bread and the cup.
- Hold up the bread. Say, “This bread symbolizes the body of Jesus that was broken for us so that we can enjoy His wholeness and healing. If anyone of you has a sickness, imagine Jesus on the cross with the same sickness … the same headache, or pain or flu. He took it all for you. So that today, you have His divine health.”
- Pray: Thank you Jesus that Your body was broken so mine can be healed and whole. Amen.
- Eat the bread.
- Hold up the cup. Say, “This cup represents the blood of Jesus that was shed on the cross for you and me. This blood paid the punishment of our sins. So today we don’t need to be punished anymore. All our sins are forgiven and we can stand righteous before God.
- Pray: Thank you Jesus that Your blood was shed so that I can be completely forgiven and righteous before You.
- Drink the cup.
If there’s extra time, break into small groups for sharing and prayer.
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