Primary Class 1-3
Primary Class 1-3
Coach Lily Bun
(Asst. Trista)
Coach Lily Bun
(Asst. Trista)
Primary Class 4-6
Coach Savitri
I can trust my Incredible God
Genesis 7 : 6-18, 8:15-22, 9:8-17 (Noah's Ark)
TIME: 50 mins
10 mins
Welcome / Cheer
Run through boundaries with kids
Commit class and kids to God in prayer
5 mins
Hero Auditions
(optional – can paraphrase/summarise)
15 mins
Bible story/Lesson
5 mins
Memory Verse
5 mins
Review/Reinforcement: Bring it Home
10 mins
Huddle Time
ITEMS NEEDED: A clipboard, super hero costume
CHARACTERS: Martin, a casting director; Arkman, a hero
Martin enters.
MARTIN: Okay, ladies and gentlemen, please be quiet. Everyone, I need your attention please. As you all know, we are staffing up a new super hero team to help save the world. We already have the Justice League, the Avengers, and of course, the Incredibles, but with super-villains on the rise, the
world needs a fourth super hero team. Everyone’s going to have a chance to audition. What we want you to do when we call your number is come on stage, give us your name, tell us your power, and tell us how you’ve used that power. Okay, number one, you’re up.
Arkman enters.
ARKMAN: That’s me. I’m number one. Well, I’m not number one. I mean, I don’t mean to brag on myself, because that’s not my style, but I’m—
MARTIN: Name, please?
ARKMAN: Arkman.
MARTIN: Arkman? That’s an odd name for a super hero.
ARKMAN: So is Plastic Man.
MARTIN: So Arkman, how many times have you saved the world?
ARKMAN: Well, I guess I did save it one time. Part of it, anyway.
MARTIN: What about the other part?
ARKMAN: You mean the evil part? Long gone.
ARKMAN: But that wasn’t my doing. That was all God.
MARTIN: Is he a superhero?
ARKMAN: No, God is better than a superhero.
MARTIN: Well who is he?
ARKMAN: God? Why he’s God! He’s my Creator. My Saviour.
MARTIN: So God gave you super powers?
ARKMAN: Super powers? Goodness no. God gave me the plan.
MARTIN: The plan?
ARKMAN: And blueprints!
MARTIN: Blueprints for what?
ARKMAN: An ark, of course. A big giant boat large enough to save me and my family from a great flood that purged the Earth of evil.
MARTIN: So what you’re telling me is you have no powers of your own, and you did nothing to fight evil?
ARKMAN: Well, yes.
MARTIN: Then what did you do?
ARKMAN: I trusted God’s plan. I had the faith to follow God when no one else would. That’s why God saved my family.
MARTIN: You know, call me crazy, but that sounds like a good quality for a hero. If you don’t trust your leader enough to follow his plan, what kind of hero are you?
ARKMAN: Say, I think that was a compliment.
MARTIN: I think it was.
ARKMAN: So am I on the team?
MARTIN: I don’t know, Arkman. You’re number one, and we’ve got a lot of numbers to go through. But anyone who wants to be on this team must have your kind of faith.
ARKMAN: Thanks, man. Good luck finding your heroes.
MARTIN: I’d say we’re off to a good start!
We seem to be living in a golden age of super hero movies. We’ve seen Batman, Superman, Spider-Man, Iron Man, Captain America, Wonder Woman, Thor, and Ant-Man. We’ve seen super hero teams like X-Men, the Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, the Justice League, and even a family of super
heroes you might know as the Incredibles.
There are many things we love and admire about these heroes. We love the cool costumes. We love the gadgets. Admit it, we even love the villains sometimes. But I think what we love most is when we see ourselves in these super heroes. Most super heroes aren’t perfect people. Far from it. They can be broken, flawed, confused, immature, and even a little bit crazy. But when they work together and put their mind to it, they can accomplish great things.
As ordinary “citizens” we don’t have access to super powers, but we do have access to a power source greater than any super hero. We have God, our creator and our Saviour. We have a God who made the whole world, who made us, and who can do miracles. We may not be able to leap tall buildings in a single bound or fight off hordes of alien invaders, but if we trust in Jesus, we can grow an incredible faith that will allow us to live a life of adventure. Faith is believing in what we cannot see. It means trusting God to do the things we cannot, and trusting him to do great things in us and for us. We’re going to grow our faith by looking at some of the heroes of the Bible over the next few weeks.
Today’s hero is Ark Man.
Ark Man, if you can’t guess, is Noah, a man who was told to build a giant boat. Noah was asked to make a huge leap of faith, building a boat to house all the animals of the world so he could save them and his family from a flood. Noah trusted God, and he was not afraid to follow God’s plan.
God told Noah to build a boat, a giant boat called an ark large enough to house at least two of every kind of animal. He asked Noah to trust him so that God could save him and his family from the great flood God said was going to come on the earth. The problem was, no one had ever seen or heard of a flood like this before.
But Noah had great faith. He trusted God’s plan, as crazy as it sounded, and God used him and his family to start over. Noah shows us that having great faith means trusting that God has a plan even when we can't see it.
I want you to put yourselves in Noah’s shoes for a moment. You’re in a time when no one except you and your family believes in God. One day, God comes to you. He tells you that you and your sons are to build a giant boat because it’s going to rain and flood. No one has ever seen a flood anywhere close to what God is talking about. It sounds absolutely crazy. So does this idea about building a boat to hold all these animals. You know everyone will think you are crazy. Yet you still choose to obey God. You trust God completely and believe that he has a plan you can't see, and so you start building the ark.
Then things really get bad. It takes a long time to finish this ark, and everyone starts to notice the big ship in your front yard. There's no way to hide it. Your neighbours ask what’s with the giant boat. You tell them that God is going to flood the Earth. They look at the sunny sky and laugh at you! They don’t
believe in God, and they don’t believe a word you tell them. Yet you still have faith enough to keep on building, and keep believing that God has a plan even when no one else believes.
It isn’t always easy to have faith in God. Sometimes his plans can seem strange. Sometimes we can get picked on and made fun of for doing things God’s way instead of the way everyone else does. Faith means we trust that God’s way is the best way. If we stick with his plan, God will not only do great things for us, he will do great things through us.
INCREDIBLE JESUS (for older kids)
After the flood, God gave Noah (aka Ark Man) and his family a promise (Gen 9:8-17). He promised never to flood the earth again, no matter how wicked man may be.
“I establish my covenant with you: Never again will all life be destroyed by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth. … Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on
the earth.”
But God is a holy God. And sin and wickedness had to be judged. So God sent Jesus to take this judgment. When Jesus came to earth, everyone thought He would be the conquering hero. No one understood why He was arrested, whipped and crucified. It seemed like all was lost and hopeless.
But God’s way is the best way. And through His death on the Cross, Jesus defeated sin, sickness and death once and for all. Isn’t He incredible?
All we have to do is to have faith in this incredible Jesus!
THEME MEMORY VERSE (for the series)
Ephesians 1:19-20 I also pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe him. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honour at God’s right hand in the heavenly realms.
God has a plan for every one of us. It may be big. It may be small. Whatever it is, God created you to fulfil that plan. Ask God to show you the plans he has for you, and ask for the faith to obey him, whatever the plan may be. That’s the first step to building an incredible faith!
Get into small groups. Share the points raised in “Bring it Home” and pray for each other.
Primary Class 4-6
Coach Savitri
I can trust my Incredible God
Genesis 7 : 6-18, 8:15-22, 9:8-17 (Noah's Ark)
10 mins
Welcome / Cheer
Run through boundaries with kids
Commit class and kids to God in prayer
5 mins
Hero Auditions
(optional – can paraphrase/summarise)
15 mins
Bible story/Lesson
5 mins
Memory Verse
5 mins
Review/Reinforcement: Bring it Home
10 mins
Huddle Time
ITEMS NEEDED: A clipboard, super hero costume
CHARACTERS: Martin, a casting director; Arkman, a hero
Martin enters.
MARTIN: Okay, ladies and gentlemen, please be quiet. Everyone, I need your attention please. As you all know, we are staffing up a new super hero team to help save the world. We already have the Justice League, the Avengers, and of course, the Incredibles, but with super-villains on the rise, the
world needs a fourth super hero team. Everyone’s going to have a chance to audition. What we want you to do when we call your number is come on stage, give us your name, tell us your power, and tell us how you’ve used that power. Okay, number one, you’re up.
Arkman enters.
ARKMAN: That’s me. I’m number one. Well, I’m not number one. I mean, I don’t mean to brag on myself, because that’s not my style, but I’m—
MARTIN: Name, please?
ARKMAN: Arkman.
MARTIN: Arkman? That’s an odd name for a super hero.
ARKMAN: So is Plastic Man.
MARTIN: So Arkman, how many times have you saved the world?
ARKMAN: Well, I guess I did save it one time. Part of it, anyway.
MARTIN: What about the other part?
ARKMAN: You mean the evil part? Long gone.
ARKMAN: But that wasn’t my doing. That was all God.
MARTIN: Is he a superhero?
ARKMAN: No, God is better than a superhero.
MARTIN: Well who is he?
ARKMAN: God? Why he’s God! He’s my Creator. My Saviour.
MARTIN: So God gave you super powers?
ARKMAN: Super powers? Goodness no. God gave me the plan.
MARTIN: The plan?
ARKMAN: And blueprints!
MARTIN: Blueprints for what?
ARKMAN: An ark, of course. A big giant boat large enough to save me and my family from a great flood that purged the Earth of evil.
MARTIN: So what you’re telling me is you have no powers of your own, and you did nothing to fight evil?
ARKMAN: Well, yes.
MARTIN: Then what did you do?
ARKMAN: I trusted God’s plan. I had the faith to follow God when no one else would. That’s why God saved my family.
MARTIN: You know, call me crazy, but that sounds like a good quality for a hero. If you don’t trust your leader enough to follow his plan, what kind of hero are you?
ARKMAN: Say, I think that was a compliment.
MARTIN: I think it was.
ARKMAN: So am I on the team?
MARTIN: I don’t know, Arkman. You’re number one, and we’ve got a lot of numbers to go through. But anyone who wants to be on this team must have your kind of faith.
ARKMAN: Thanks, man. Good luck finding your heroes.
MARTIN: I’d say we’re off to a good start!
We seem to be living in a golden age of super hero movies. We’ve seen Batman, Superman, Spider-Man, Iron Man, Captain America, Wonder Woman, Thor, and Ant-Man. We’ve seen super hero teams like X-Men, the Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, the Justice League, and even a family of super
heroes you might know as the Incredibles.
There are many things we love and admire about these heroes. We love the cool costumes. We love the gadgets. Admit it, we even love the villains sometimes. But I think what we love most is when we see ourselves in these super heroes. Most super heroes aren’t perfect people. Far from it. They can be broken, flawed, confused, immature, and even a little bit crazy. But when they work together and put their mind to it, they can accomplish great things.
As ordinary “citizens” we don’t have access to super powers, but we do have access to a power source greater than any super hero. We have God, our creator and our Saviour. We have a God who made the whole world, who made us, and who can do miracles. We may not be able to leap tall buildings in a single bound or fight off hordes of alien invaders, but if we trust in Jesus, we can grow an incredible faith that will allow us to live a life of adventure. Faith is believing in what we cannot see. It means trusting God to do the things we cannot, and trusting him to do great things in us and for us. We’re going to grow our faith by looking at some of the heroes of the Bible over the next few weeks.
Today’s hero is Ark Man.
Ark Man, if you can’t guess, is Noah, a man who was told to build a giant boat. Noah was asked to make a huge leap of faith, building a boat to house all the animals of the world so he could save them and his family from a flood. Noah trusted God, and he was not afraid to follow God’s plan.
God told Noah to build a boat, a giant boat called an ark large enough to house at least two of every kind of animal. He asked Noah to trust him so that God could save him and his family from the great flood God said was going to come on the earth. The problem was, no one had ever seen or heard of a flood like this before.
But Noah had great faith. He trusted God’s plan, as crazy as it sounded, and God used him and his family to start over. Noah shows us that having great faith means trusting that God has a plan even when we can't see it.
I want you to put yourselves in Noah’s shoes for a moment. You’re in a time when no one except you and your family believes in God. One day, God comes to you. He tells you that you and your sons are to build a giant boat because it’s going to rain and flood. No one has ever seen a flood anywhere close to what God is talking about. It sounds absolutely crazy. So does this idea about building a boat to hold all these animals. You know everyone will think you are crazy. Yet you still choose to obey God. You trust God completely and believe that he has a plan you can't see, and so you start building the ark.
Then things really get bad. It takes a long time to finish this ark, and everyone starts to notice the big ship in your front yard. There's no way to hide it. Your neighbours ask what’s with the giant boat. You tell them that God is going to flood the Earth. They look at the sunny sky and laugh at you! They don’t
believe in God, and they don’t believe a word you tell them. Yet you still have faith enough to keep on building, and keep believing that God has a plan even when no one else believes.
It isn’t always easy to have faith in God. Sometimes his plans can seem strange. Sometimes we can get picked on and made fun of for doing things God’s way instead of the way everyone else does. Faith means we trust that God’s way is the best way. If we stick with his plan, God will not only do great things for us, he will do great things through us.
INCREDIBLE JESUS (for older kids)
After the flood, God gave Noah (aka Ark Man) and his family a promise (Gen 9:8-17). He promised never to flood the earth again, no matter how wicked man may be.
“I establish my covenant with you: Never again will all life be destroyed by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth. … Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on
the earth.”
But God is a holy God. And sin and wickedness had to be judged. So God sent Jesus to take this judgment. When Jesus came to earth, everyone thought He would be the conquering hero. No one understood why He was arrested, whipped and crucified. It seemed like all was lost and hopeless.
But God’s way is the best way. And through His death on the Cross, Jesus defeated sin, sickness and death once and for all. Isn’t He incredible?
All we have to do is to have faith in this incredible Jesus!
THEME MEMORY VERSE (for the series)
Ephesians 1:19-20 I also pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe him. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honour at God’s right hand in the heavenly realms.
God has a plan for every one of us. It may be big. It may be small. Whatever it is, God created you to fulfil that plan. Ask God to show you the plans he has for you, and ask for the faith to obey him, whatever the plan may be. That’s the first step to building an incredible faith!
Get into small groups. Share the points raised in “Bring it Home” and pray for each other.
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