Sunday, June 30, 2019

30 June 2019

Toddler Class
Coach Susan
Asst. Adeline

Primary Class 1-6

Coach Angelina
Coach Samantha

Coach Joel
Coach Ryan
Coach Lawyrs


GAME: Blanket Name Game
Kids introduce themselves. Divide them into 2 groups and each kid takes turn to represent their group. Hold up a blanket between the 2 representatives. When the blanket drops, the representatives have to shout out each other’s names. Whoever shouts first wins, and the team gets a point.


“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8

Before Jesus went back to heaven, He told the disciples to wait in Jerusalem for God’s gift — the Holy Spirit, which will give the disciples power to be His witness everywhere.

REVIEW LAST LESSON WITH SONG: Peter and John went to pray

STORY (Acts 4)
After the lame man stood up and walked and jumped, everyone was completely amazed and ran to them.

Peter started preaching to them. “Men of Israel, why are you amazed and in wonder? Did you think we did this by our own? It is Jesus — the one you killed when you arrested him and handed over to the Romans. You killed the Author of Life, whom God rose from the dead.

And His name — by faith in His name — has made this man strong and in perfect health! God raised

Jesus up so that He could bless you and turn you from wickedness. So believe in Him!”

Many who heard the word believed!

As Peter and John were speaking to the people, the priests and Sadducees and captain of the temple came to arrest them and put them in prison.

The next day, the rules and elders gathered in Jerusalem and interrogated Peter and John again. “By what power or by what name did you do this?”

Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them, “This man was healed by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead — by him, this man is standing before you well. This Jesus is the stone that was rejected by you, the builders, which has become the cornerstone. And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”

The rulers were surprised because they saw how bold Peter and John were. You must remember …

Peter was the coward who ran away when Jesus was arrested and denied him 3 times when someone recognized him. And they were just fishermen, uneducated, common man. The rulers recognized that they had been with Jesus.”

And the man who was lame since birth — he couldn’t walk for more than 40 years! — was standing there beside them, so they couldn’t say anything. They discussed among themselves and decided, “In order that it may spread no further among the people, let us warn them to speak no more to anyone in this name.”

So they told Peter and John that they could NOT speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus. But Peter and John answered them, “Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you rather than to God, you must judge, for we cannot help to speak of what we have seen and heard.”

The rulers couldn’t punish them, so they just threatened them and let them go. Peter and John returned to the disciples, and they all prayed and were filled with the Holy Spirit and continued to speak the word of God with boldness.


The Name of Jesus gives you the authority and power of Jesus.
It was the name of Jesus — and faith in it — that made the lame man well. It was the name of Jesus and His Holy spirit that gave the disciples boldness.

It was the name of Jesus that they couldn’t stop talking about.

The Name of Jesus is not the ending to your prayer, but the whole reason you can pray!

It is as if Jesus Himself is speaking it.

It is based on His worthiness to receive.

It is like taking from His overflowing account in Heaven (yours is empty).

Do you know Jesus?

Do you believe in Him? Do you have His Holy Spirit in you?

Do you know that if the Holy Spirit is in you, you can use the name of Jesus and speak like Jesus spoke?

Get the kids into small groups to share their prayer needs. Have the children stretch forth their hands to each other and speak Jesus’ name, spirit and life into whatever situation they are facing. Encourage them to believe that Jesus is more powerful than any problem they have.

SONG: No other Name

Sunday, June 23, 2019

23 June 2019

Toddler Class
Coach Carrie
Asst. Laila

Primary Class 1-6

Coach Lily Bun
(Asst. Trista & Dedy)

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8



“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8

Before Jesus went back to heaven, He told the disciples to wait in Jerusalem for God’s gift — the Holy Spirit, which will give the disciples power to be His witness everywhere.

Have you ever been carried? (Talk about your own experiences or suggest times when a person might be carried.) A baby has to be carried because they can’t walk. A parent might carry a child to bed when they are sleepy. A fireman might carry a person out of a burning building when they save them.

Four-hand seat carry demonstration:

Think about what it would be like if you could never walk anywhere and someone would always have to carry you. In today’s story we are going to talk about a man who couldn’t walk. He didn’t have a wheelchair and someone always had to carry him.

STORY (Acts 3)

Peter and John were two of Jesus’ closest disciples. One day, when they were going to the temple to pray, they saw a man sitting right beside the gate (called “Beautiful Gate”). As they moved closer they noticed that the man was crippled. He could not walk.

Now this was not the first time the crippled man sat there. His friends brought him to the temple every single day so he could ask people for money. Since he couldn't get a job or work, he was hoping the kind people who were going into the temple to worship God would see him and have compassion on him and give him money so he would be able to have food and other necessary things.

The man saw Peter and John and as usual, he stretched out his hand to ask for money. "Please, do you have some money you could give me? I really, really need money."

Well, our friends, Peter and John, looked at the man and told him, "Look at us!"

The man looked up in eagerness, expecting to be given money. He had no idea what an unusual day THIS was going to be!

Imagine his dismay when Peter and John said, "We don't have any money!"

Imagine his surprise when they said, "We want to give you something better than money!"

He thought about that. He was quite confused. After all, what could be BETTER than money?

Then he heard Peter say something very strange. "In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk!"

"Walk? Who? ME? They expect me to WALK? I have NEVER walked! I have never walked before in my whole life! From the time I was a little child, I have always wanted to walk. Now they are telling me to just get up and walk. How can THAT be? Can it really happen? Will I really be able to walk? Hmmm ...

Should I try? Or should I ignore them and just sit here?" You can imagine all these thoughts flying through the man's mind in just a few seconds.

Before he even knew what was happening, Peter reached down, took him by the right hand, and lifted him up. IMMEDIATELY his feet and anklebones received strength. He couldn't believe what was happening! His feet were actually HOLDING HIM UP! He JUMPED up, he STOOD up, and he WALKED around. He went into the temple for the first time in his life. This was SO exciting! He was WALKING and JUMPING for the first time in his life. He was PRAISING God because of the amazing thing that had just happened to him.

All the people saw him WALKING and JUMPING and PRAISING God. They knew it was that crippled man who had sat outside the gate of the temple for many years begging for money. They recognized him and they were full of surprise and wondered what and how this had happened.

The people started running toward Peter and John. They thought Peter and John had done a great miracle and they wanted them to do MORE miracles.

Peter immediately started preaching to the crowd. "STOP! STOP!" he yelled. "Why are you so surprised about this? Why are you looking at us? WE did not perform this miracle. WE did not make this man able to walk!

It is Jesus. The one whom you killed but was raised to life by God. This man was made strong by faith in the name of Jesus. It is Jesus’ name and the faith that comes through him that has completely healed him!

Believe in Him and be saved!”

Isn’t Jesus powerful? Because Peter and John believed in Jesus, His Holy Spirit was in them and they could do the great and mighty things Jesus did when He was on earth.

Get the kids into small groups to share their prayer needs. Have the children stretch forth their hands to each other and speak Jesus’ name, spirit and life into whatever situation they are facing. Encourage them to believe that Jesus is more powerful than any problem they have.

SONG: Peter and John went to pray

(can be used as part of lesson too)


Acts 3:16 “It is Jesus’ name and the faith that comes through him that has completely healed him.”

GAME: Relay carry

Using the four-hand seat carry, have the kids practice carrying each other across the room. Older kids can be divided into 2 teams to compete against each other.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

16 June 2019

Toddler Class
Coach Ochie
Asst. Ruth & Tesa

Primary Class 1-6

Coach Dewi
Asst. Dedy

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8



“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8

Before Jesus went back to heaven, He told the disciples to wait in Jerusalem for God’s gift — the Holy Spirit, which will give the disciples power to be His witness everywhere.

LESSON (Acts 2)

Holy Spirit Message
Last week we ended our story with the disciples and Peter filled with the Holy Spirit speaking to the crowd of Jewish people. Even though the Jewish people were from many different countries, they heard the disciples talk about the wonderful works of God in their own language.

Peter was filled with the Holy Spirit as he spoke these words to the crowd:
 ·   Jesus died on the cross and that God raised Him from the dead.
 ·   Even King David wrote about Jesus’ death and resurrection many years ago (prophetic)
 ·  Everyone in the crowd had a part to play in crucifying Jesus, the Savior God sent.

Everyone who hear the words were “cut to their hearts”. They realized that it was because of their sin, Jesus had to die on the cross. That was a conviction by the Holy Spirit. Peter told them to repent — to change their minds and put their trust in Jesus — and be baptized — so they can tell everyone they have believed in Jesus. By believing in Jesus their sins would be forgiven and they will receive God’s Holy Spirit.

Birth of the Church
As we learned last week, 3,000 people decided to believe in Jesus.

Not only was this a day of celebrating, it was also the day that the very first church was born. A church is not a building but it is made up of people who believe in the Lord Jesus.

So JCB is not this building. It’s not the first floor or third floor. JCB is a church of God’s people. Wherever God’s people are, we are His church. We are God’s family.

The new believers gathered together regularly to hear the apostles teach about Jesus. Let’s read Acts 2:42-47 to find out what else they did.

42 They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. 
43 Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. 
44 All the believers were together and had everything in common. 
45 They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. 
46 Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, 
47 praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.

The early church:
- Listened to the teachings about Jesus
- Fellowshipped & meet regularly — families meet together often to encourage each other; we don’t hide in our rooms and close our doors
- Celebrated the Lord’s Supper — why?
- Prayed together
- Shared and helped one another
- Praised God
- God continued to save people every day, causing the church to continue to grow

The Message for His Church today
Although what we read from our Bibles happened a long time ago, the message is true for us today.

Jesus is the Savior God promised to send. Even though we were not physically there crying “Crucify Him!” my sins and your sins nailed Him to the cross. He was buried and 3 days later God raised Him from the dead. Anyone who calls upon the Lord Jesus and believes in Him can be saved and have eternal life.

What is your response to this message? If you have never been saved you can turn to Jesus today. Do you want to receive Jesus?

His Family today
If you have received Jesus, you are part of His family now.
Let’s follow the example of the early church 
Let’s listen to the teachings about Jesus
Let’s meet together regularly
Let’s remember Jesus through the Lord’s Supper/Holy Communion
Let’s pray together
Let’s share and help one another
Let’s praise God together 
And God will bring more and more people into this wonderful family of His.


Kids to break up in small groups — normally a girls group and boys group works best. 

Encourage and challenge the kids to meet regularly (don’t always skip church etc) and to listen to the word about Jesus. 

Have Holy Communion with the children and encourage them to remember what Jesus has done on the cross for them. 

Share prayer needs and pray together. 

Close with a song of worship.

Sunday, June 9, 2019

09 June 2019

Toddler Class
Coach Carrie
Asst. Tammy

Primary Class 1-3

Coach Dedy
(Asst. Daniel)

Primary Class 4-6
Coach Shawn
(Asst. Nicho)

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8



Prepare a gift box. Inside the box put the following items:
                    Paper heart
                    Family picture
                    2 flashlights, one with batteries and one without

Show the box to the children. Explain that we all enjoy receiving gifts and that inside this box are some gifts that God gives to everyone who believes in Him.

Unwrap the box and take out the paper heart. This heart represents the gift of God’s love for each of us.

Next, take out the Bible and tell the children that God’s word is an important gift because it tells us of who God is and what He has done for us.

Then, take out the family picture. Explain that it is a gift to be a part of God’s family because we can pray together, help each other in times of need, and have fun together.

Finally, take out the flashlights. Ask for two volunteers and give one flashlight to each. Have the children turn on their flashlights at the same time. Discuss with the children as to why one flashlight turned on and the other did not. Open the flashlights and show the children that one contained batteries and the other did not.

Explain to the children that these flashlights remind us of the gift of the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit lives inside of us, we have the power to live like Jesus boys and girls. When we do not have the Holy Spirit in our hearts, we do not have the power to live the life that God wants us to live.

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8

Before Jesus went back to heaven, He told the disciples to wait in Jerusalem for God’s gift — the Holy Spirit, which will give the disciples power to be His witness everywhere.

LESSON (Acts 2)
Not long after Jesus ascended to heaven, the day of Pentecost came.
Pentecost was a Jewish feast to commemorate the giving of the Law to Moses at Sinai.
Jews from many different countries would go to Jerusalem to bring gifts and offerings to God during that time.

Tongues of Fire
On the day of Pentecost, Jesus’ followers were all gathered in a house. Suddenly, a strong wind came from heaven and filled the entire place. Suddenly, they saw what looked like tongues of fire resting on each of them. They were filled with the Holy Spirit!

Song Suggestion: “The Pentecost Song” (sang to the tune of “Are you sleeping?”
 1. Flames of Fire, Flames of Fire
 2. Mighty Wind, Mighty Wind
 3. Holy Spirit’s coming, Holy Spirit’s coming
 4. With His power, with His power

Tongues of many Languages
Then, by the power of the Holy Spirit, they began to speak in other languages, telling of the wonders of God. Some of the Jews who were visiting from other countries heard Jesus’ followers talking. They were amazed to hear their own language being spoken. For example, Jews who lived in Greece heard the disciples speaking Greek; Jews who lived in Arabia heard the disciples speaking Arabic; Jews who lived in Egypt heard the disciples speaking Egyptian etc.

That’s pretty amazing, isn’t it? Remember, the disciples were all fishermen or people with little education. And they were standing in front of so many people and telling them about Jesus.

Drunk before Dawn?
In fact, it was so unbelievable that some people thought the disciples were drunk.

But Peter stood up and spoke to the crowd. “These people are not drunk,” he says. This is actually part of a prophecy by the prophet Joel, where God promised to pour out His Spirit on all people.

Peter told the people about Jesus and all He has done for us on the cross. And that day, 3000 people believed and were baptized.

The Start of a New Covenant
The coming of the Holy Spirit was a mark of the New Covenant.


The LAW was given
The HOLY SPIRIT was given

3,000 died
3,000 saved

The Holy Spirit came and left whenever
The Holy Spirit came to live
He wanted to
in our hearts forever and ever.

When we believe in Jesus and receive His new life, His Holy Spirit comes to live with us forever.

We don’t always see the Holy Spirit like Jesus’ followers did — as tongues of fire over their heads — but He can still do amazing things!

Illustration suggestion: Hairdryer and Ping-Pong ball
Turn on the hairdryer and place the ball in the stream of air. Explain that just as we cannot see the air coming out of the hair dryer, we can see that it is helping the ball to float.

He gives us power to be Jesus boys and girls, so we can share Jesus’ love with everyone around us, near and far.

MEMORY VERSE (with actions)
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8


CRAFT: Tongues of Fire
Have several pieces of red, orange, and yellow fun foam cut into the shape of flames. Have the pieces of each flame packaged together in a plastic baggie to make distribution easier. Then, have the kids glue the three pieces of the flame together, create headbands out of lengths of black cardboard, staple the flames to the headband.

Do teach the kids to explain to their parents and siblings when they are asked why they had flames over their heads (e.g. “Jesus gave me His Holy Spirit to live in my heart forever”)

Get kids to share and pray for the friends and family who do not yet know Jesus.
Bless each child and close in prayer.