Sunday, April 13, 2014

13 April 2014

Kelas Balita
Coach Susan
Asst 1 : Awan
Asst 2 : Yemima

Kelas 1 - 3
Coaches : Iwan & Shevica

Kelas 4 - 6
Coaches : Lusiana & Lily Bun

Jesus raises the widow’s son from death

Lesson: Jesus has authority over death (Luke 7:11-16)

1. Story:
  • Tell the story of Jesus raising the widow's son from death from Luke 7:11-16.
  • Last week we learned about Jesus healing the centurion’s servant in Capernaum.
  • Soon afterward, Jesus went to a town called Nain (Na'in). His disciples and a large crowd followed Him. After all, this was a man who could heal the sick and perform many miracles.
  • When Jesus came to the town’s gate, He saw a dead person being carried out with a large crowd following behind.
  • This dead person was the only son of a widow.
    • What’s a widow? A widow is a woman whose husband has died.
    • How many of you have mummies who work in the office? In those days, married women didn’t go out to work as they had to take care of the household. They depended on the men in the household to provide for them and protect them.
  • When this woman’s husband died, she would have depended on her son to take care of her. But now, her son, her only son, had died. She was alone, helpless and very sad.
  • When Jesus saw the widow, His heart went out to her. He had compassion on her. And He said, “Don’t cry.”
    • Jesus understood what the widow was going through.
    • Many times, when something bad happens, when we feel alone, helpless and very sad, we think nobody understands. We wonder where God is. But the truth is: He is there, He understands, and He is filled with love and compassion for us.
  • Then Jesus went and touched the coffin of the dead man.
    • According to the law then, touching a dead body was a taboo — it would make you “unclean” for 7 days.
    • But Jesus didn’t let that stop Him. Remember how Jesus touched the leper even though the leper was unclean and contagious?
    • While others may be afraid to let unclean things make them unclean, whatever Jesus touched became clean.
  • Then Jesus said, “Young man, I say to you, get up!” And the dead man sat up and began to talk, and Jesus gave him back to his mother.
  • Those who saw this miracle were filled with awe and praised God. And news about Jesus spread throughout Judea and the surrounding country.

2.  Lesson: Good News for today!
  • Last week, we learnt that Jesus has authority over sicknesses. When He commands healing, healing comes. When He commands sicknesses to leave, sicknesses leaves.
  • Today we see that Jesus has authority over death too. When He commands life to come, life comes. When He commands death to leave, death leaves. Hallelujah!
  • Not only did Jesus have power over death, but God's only Son also defeated death by rising from the dead. And He gives us eternal life so that we can live forever with Jesus.
  • Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” (John 10:10b; Memory Verse) 
  • So as children of God, we don’t need to fear death. We can speak Jesus’ life into ourselves, other people, our situations etc knowing that Jesus has won the final victory for us.
  • Let’s pray: Thank you Jesus that You conquered death so that we can have Your eternal life in us. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

3. Activity Ideas:
  • Crossword Puzzle


Youth Bible Study

Leader’s Guide

Jesus' Miracles: Jesus raises the widow’s son from death
Read Luke 7:11-16.

1.  What was it like for a widow to lose her only son?
In those days, married women depended on the men in the household to provide for them and protect them. When this woman’s husband died, she would have depended on her son to take care of her. But when her only son died, she was alone and helpless.

2. How did Jesus respond when he saw the widow? What does this tell us about our God?
Jesus had compassion on her. He understood what she was going through.
Many times, when something bad happens, when we feel alone, helpless and sad, we think nobody understands. We wonder where God is. But the truth is: He is there, He understands, and He is filled with love and compassion for us.

3. Jesus went and touched the dead man’s coffin. What was so unusual about that? (cref Numbers 19:11)
According to the law then, touching a dead body was a taboo — it would make you “unclean” for 7 days.But Jesus didn’t let that stop Him. Remember how Jesus touched the leper even though the leper was unclean and contagious? Unclean things didn't contaminate Jesus; instead whatever He touched became clean!

4. Last week we learnt that Jesus has authority over sicknesses — He commands sickness to leave, and it leaves. In this case, what does Jesus demonstrate His authority over?
Death — He told the dead man to “Get up!” and he sat up and began to talk.

5. How did Jesus ultimately defeat death? And what does that mean for us today?
By dying on the cross and rising from the dead 3 days later. He gave us eternal life so that we can live forever with Jesus.

6. Memory Verse: John 10:10 I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.


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