Wednesday, May 3, 2017

07 May 2017

Toddler Class
Coach Dewi
Asst. 1 : Tessa
Asst. 2 : Ruth

Primary Class 1-3
Coach Lily Bun
(Asst. San - San & Trista)

Primary Class 4-6
Coach Swanky




Have one kid wear a hat or something distinctive. This kid has to try to tag the other children. All other children have to keep away from this kid.

Once they are tagged/touched by this kid, they have to go behind the kid and hold his/her shoulders. The more children the kid touches, the longer the chain of children behind him/her.

Game ends when there are 10 or 15 kids in the chain.

(Play by ear, according to crowd and time; avoid over rowdiness)



Act it out ideas: use baby powder to cover face, arms etc to depict leprosy; wipe off when “healed”

Who knows what leprosy is?

Leprosy is a disease that affects the skin, nerves, limbs and eyes. It can cause fingers and toes to be shortened and deformed. It’s an infectious disease. In the Bible, leprosy can also refer to other infectious skin diseases.

Just like the game, if you are too close to the leper, you could get infected with leprosy yourself. So nobody liked to be near a leper. If they saw a leper coming, they would go far, far away.

These lepers were outcasts; they had to stay outside of town. When they come into town, they had to announce loudly, “Unclean, unclean” to warn others of their presence.

Can you imagine what it’s like to live like that?


Get older kids to read through Mark 1:40-45.

One day, Jesus went to town and met a man with leprosy.

This leper must have been so tired of living this way. When he saw Jesus, he forgot all the rules of staying away from other people.

He fell face down to the ground and begged Jesus, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.”

This man must have heard of Jesus’ miracles. He knew Jesus could heal him. But was Jesus willing? Maybe he wasn’t good enough to be healed. Maybe Jesus couldn’t be bothered about someone like him. Maybe Jesus didn’t want to be contaminated by him.

How do you think Jesus reacted?

Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. Isn’t that amazing? Nobody wanted to be near lepers. Nobody touched him for years. And here was Jesus, touching him! Jesus could have just stood at a distance and healed the man, but He reached out and touched him, showing His love.

Then Jesus said, “I am willing. Be clean!” And immediately ... the leprosy left him! Praise the Lord!


Jesus heals

Last week, we learnt that Jesus healed a man who had a demonic spirit.

After that, Jesus went on to heal many people.

One of them was Simon Peter’s mother-in-law. She was in bed with a fever. Jesus went to her, took her hand and helped her up. The fever left her and she was able to serve dinner to the family and Jesus.

Later that evening, people brought to Jesus all the sick and demon-possessed. The whole town gathered at the door, and Jesus healed many who had various diseases.

The leper would have heard and known that Jesus is a healer.

Jesus is willing

But the leper was not sure if Jesus would heal … a person like him. An untouchable. But Jesus didn’t just heal him. He reached out to touch him, too.

Sometimes we know Jesus can heal us. But sometimes, we don’t think He wants to.

We think that maybe He won’t heal us because we’ve been naughty or we’re not good enough. We think maybe He’s got more important things to do. We think maybe He wants us to be sick so we can learn a lesson.

But the truth is that Jesus took all our sicknesses on the cross when He died. He is able to heal us. And more importantly, He is willing! He is reaching out to touch us with love and compassion!

If anyone of you are sick today, put your hand on the part of the body that’s not feeling well. And pray this prayer: “Thank you Jesus that when you died on the cross, You carried all my sins and sicknesses. Thank you Jesus that you are able to heal me. Thank you Jesus that you are willing to heal me. In Jesus’ name, I receive my healing. Amen!”

Memory Verse: “He carried our sicknesses and our diseases.” Isaiah 53:4



Materials: Notecards and band aids.
Have the kids sit in 3 small groups.
On one side of the notecard: Stick 2 band aids on it as a cross and write the memory verse on the card or “Jesus is Able & Willing to Heal”.

On the other side of the notecard: Write a prayer of thanks for Jesus’ healing for themselves or other people. “Thank you Jesus for healing me of _________” or “Thank you Jesus for healing my mummy of ___________”


Get the kids into small groups to pray for those who are sick. Get them to share and take turns speaking in faith for healing. Pray and bless each one of them.

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