Sunday, October 8, 2017

08 October 2017

Toddler Class
Coach Ochie
Asst. 1 : Yuni
Asst. 2 : Yessy

Primary Class 1-3
Coach Daniel
(Asst. Dedy)

Primary Class 4-6
Coach Savitri




Prepare two small tables, one soft pillow, some building blocks or Uno Stacko.

Divide kids into 2 groups. One group gets to build on a table; the other has to build on the soft pillow, placed on the table.

Each group has to build the tallest building out of the blocks/Uno Stacko pieces on the table/pillow in 3 minutes.

At the end of 3 minutes, gently shake the two tables. Or get kids to try to blow the other team’s tower down (no contact allowed!).

See which one stands firm and which falls down (hopefully the one on the pillow falls first lah ;-))

(Matt 7:24-27)

Matthew 7:24-27 24 “Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock. 25 Though the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise and the winds beat against that house, it won’t collapse because it is built on bedrock. 26 But anyone who hears my teaching and doesn’t obey it is foolish, like a person who builds a house on sand. 27 When the rains and floods come and the winds beat against that house, it will collapse with a mighty crash.”

Jesus liked to use a lot of stories when He taught the people. These stories are called “parables”.

Jesus told the people a parable about two men. These two men were building a house.

One built his house on the rock — he dug deep to make sure he had a solid foundation. The other decided to build his house on the sand. Both houses looked nice when completed.

But one day, a heavy rain came. The wind blew, the flood rose. The house on the rock got wet, but it stood firm. However, the house on the sand fell flat and was destroyed.

How many of you saw the news and pictures of earthquakes and tsunamis? 

This reminds us that in such storms, many things are easily destroyed. 
Our hope and faith cannot be on them.

When we build our house on sand, we’re building on our own abilities, our intelligence, our achievements, our money ... we think that we are good enough for God. But when the storms come, we realise that whatever we have built cannot stand.

But when we build our house on the rock, we are building on the sure foundation — Jesus. Jesus calls us to “come to Him and hear His words and put them into practice.”

Only Jesus is good enough for God. Only He can make us good enough for God.

And when we believe and trust in Him, we can stand firm till the end.

Do we want to build our life on ourselves or on Jesus?

Pray: Thank you Jesus that You are our sure foundation. You have done a perfect work on the cross, and all we can do is to trust in You and not be shaken. Thank you for keeping us safe in the storm. In Your name we pray, Amen.



Get kids in smaller groups. Get them to share what it means to really trust Jesus and build their lives on Him. Assure kids that when they trust on Jesus, they will not be shaken. Encourage those who have yet to accept Jesus to do so.

 The wise man built his house upon the rock


This Wise Man
sung to “This old man”

This wise man, he built well
 he built well up on a rock
 When the rains came down
 And the floods came up
 This man's house stood firm and strong!
Foolish man, he built wrong
 he built wrong up on the sand
 When the rains came down
 And the Floods came up
 This man's house came tumbling down!


Jesus, You’re my Firm Foundation



(see below)

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